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Clinics 1

One Design Clinics

The One Design Program offers a variety of Clinics throughout the summer that cater to every skill level. From Team Racing practices on Tuesday evenings to Ideal 18 Orientation & Boat Handling Clinics, there are so many different opportunities to learn and improve your skills. All Clinics can be registered for using the Club Calendar. 

Private Instruction

Private Lessons are available throughout the season from Sailing Director Evan Olmstead, [email protected], at $125 per lesson, customized to your own needs and skills.


I-18 Boat Handling Clinic

Instructor: Evan Olmstead, Sailing Director

Saturdays 9:00am-Noon

6/11, 6/18, 6/25

Open to sailors of all abilities.

16 person limit + instructor

Course Description

There is a $50 per person fee for each clinic.

Private Instruction

Private Lessons are available throughout the season from Sailing Director Evan Olmstead, [email protected].

at $100 per lesson, customized to your own needs and skills.
