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SAM Guidelines

SAM Guidelines

SAM Guidelines

Pequot Yacht Club, in addition to its usual activities, offers limited participation to adult non-members during two seasons - Summer, which includes participation in either One Design or Big Boat Sailing, and Winter, which includes optional participation in Frostbiting.

These guidelines address Special Activity Members’ use of Club facilities, charging privileges, and attendance at Club events.


Procedure To Become A Special Activity Member

Special Activity Membership in a program is available on a limited basis. Prior to participating in any such program, each Special Activity Member (“SAM”) must be (a) recommended in writing to the Membership Committee by a member of the Club, and (b) approved by a vote of the Board as provided in Article VIII, Section 6 of the by-laws. Those sponsored for a Special Activity Membership should meet the criteria for membership described in the Club’s by-laws.

Participation as a SAM does not imply that the SAM will be admitted as a member of the Club at any time, nor does it imply that the SAM has priority if he or she is considered for membership in the Club at a later date.

A member and his family sponsor may sponsor no more than two SAMs seasonally. A SAM must be recommended for a second year by the chairman of the activity involved, with the provision that a SAM may change from one activity to another for the second year at the recommendation of the two Committee Chairmen.

A person may be a SAM for a maximum of two years. There may be limited exceptions, as determined by the Board of Governors.

Use Of Club Facilities And Events

SAMs will have use of the Galley during the Special Activity period and will be assigned a Club charge account number. The SAMs will be subject to the monthly Galley minimum when levied. All galley event charges shall apply to this minimum. SAMs may not dine at other clubs and charge meals using their PYC account. Provided that a SAM has been recommended to participate in the SAM program for a second year, and has received approval from the program chair, or has been proposed for full membership, this privilege will extend during the months between the Special Activity periods. The Special Activity period for Summer SAMs is April 1 through October 31. For Winter SAMs, the period is November 1 through March 31. At the end of the appropriate season, it is at the discretion of the committee chair ( One Design, Race Committee or Frostbiting) to invite the SAM to retain membership for the rest of the year.


Due to limited space available for parking, SAMs will park off the premises.


SAMs may not introduce guests to the Club. Use of the Club facilities (galley, boats etc.) extends only to the individual SAM and his or her spouse / partner and their children living at home up to the age of 26.

Attendance At Club Social Events

SAMs may attend all club social events scheduled during the special activity period, with the exception of Commissioning, Round the Buoys, Annual Meeting, Commodores’ Caper, and any function specifically designated as “Members Only” by the Board. Provided that a SAM has been recommended for a second year, or has been proposed for full membership, this privilege will extend to the period between the Special Activity periods. There will be a surcharge of 10% added to the cost of these events. If an event is fully-subscribed, and a wait-list created, and space becomes available, members on the wait-list will be given priority over SAMs on the wait-list.

Withdrawal Of Privileges

The Commodore may revoke all SAM privileges if a) in the opinion of the Flag Officers, the conduct of a SAM is prejudicial to the good name or welfare of the Club or b) if a SAM’s account is not paid within 30 days of receipt of the monthly billing statement. The Club will not refund any fees paid.